Mechanotherapy in Orthodontics Vol. II: Principles of Design
The second Volume in the Mechanotherapy in Orthodontics series, Principles of Design, was published by CTOR Press in April 2022.
The second Volume in the Mechanotherapy in Orthodontics series, Principles of Design, was published by CTOR Press in April 2022.
INNOVATION is an open access journal for risk takers who think people who need healthcare cannot wait for conventional thinkers to find answers.
This innovative and comprehensive orthodontic book, created in 3 volumes, guides students and clinicians from basic biomechanics principles into advanced mechanotherapy concepts including the latest advances in tooth movement and craniofacial growth.
This book is a complete reference for all clinicians who are interested in incorporating techniques to reduce orthodontic treatment duration and to overcome other treatment limitations in their daily practice. It focuses especially on micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) as the most conservative, efficient, and versatile approach to increase the rate of tooth movement.