Inventions & Patents

CTOR’s translational research effort has generated 8 patents, 3 of which are commercially available to orthodontists around the world:


1. Propel

Propel Inc. developed a device based on CTOR research work on micro-osteoperforations (read articles here), which allows orthodontists to accelerate tooth movement using a safe, minimally invasive procedure combined with braces or clear aligners. The CTOR team published a book as a clinical guide for the use of micro-osteoperforations in the daily practice of Orthodontics. For more information and to buy the book click here.


2. VPro5

CTOR’s translational research work on mechanical stimulation of alveolar bone resulted on the invention of a patient/home care device - VPro5 - that can double the rate of orthodontic tooth movement.

In the absence of an orthodontic forces and its associated inflammation this vibration device:

  • increases bone in the jaws after extractions or in patients with osteoporosis
  • improves grafting and implant integration
  • promotes significant bone remodeling in the craniofacial area

To read more about this research work, read CTOR publications here



3. CTOR Plates

CTOR designed innovative external plates that can be placed by Orthodontists quickly and safely without the need for a soft tissue flap. This greatly expand the ability to treat severe skeletal problems non-surgically. CTOR Plates are available for purchase from PSM Inc.



4. Robotic Ultra-adaptable Braces

Clinicians-scientists at CTOR invented a revolutionary bracket system: robotic ultra-adaptable braces. This patented new backets system will allow full correction of the malocclusion with just a couple of wire changes.

Dr Alikhani explains “CTOR braces can move in all planes of space allowing clinicians to activate the braces instead of the wire as they bring teeth into perfect alignment”. This ultra-adaptable bracket system also eliminates the need for braces repositioning.

CTOR Academy
CTOR Clinic
CTOR Press
Innovation CTOR Press