
Please download CTOR publications below. If you have any question or suggestion about our projects feel free to contact us.


Periosteum response to static forces stimulates cortical drifting: A new orthopedic target.

December 2024. Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 13(6), 293-302.


Mechanism of Cortical Bone Adaptation to Static Forces.

February 2024. Innovation 2(2),1-16. doi:10.30771/2024.2


Part III of Theory of Form: Role of Genetics in the Self-Organizing Form.

January 2024. Innovation.


Part II of Theory of Form: Self-Organizing Form by Entropy and Emergence.

January 2024. Innovation 2(1),1-9. doi:10.30771/2024.1


Part I: Theory of Form, Components of Self-Organizing Form.

November 2023. Innovation 1(14)e6. doi:10.30771/2023.2


Improvement of nasal septal deviation in response to orthodontic treatment in an adult patient

December 2022. European Journal of Water Frameworks 1(1)e4. doi:10.30771/2022.4


Improvement of nasal septal deviation in response to Orthodontic treatment in an adult patient.

December 2022. 1(1)e4. doi:10.30771/2022.4 


Orthopedic Effect Of Dynamic Loading On Condylar Cartilage

Innovation. June 2022. 1(4):e1. doi:10.30771/2022.2


The One-Couple System as an Innovative Tool for Non-Surgical, Non-Extraction Correction of Skeletal Deformities Caused by Mouth-Breathing. 

Innovation. May 2022. 1(1)e4. doi:10.30771/2022.1


Novel Application of Micro-Osteoperforations During Treatment of Severe Malocclusion. 

Innovation. December 2021. 1(1)e4. doi:10.30771/2021.4


Non-surgical treatment of severe open bite using CTOR Plates. 

Innovation. July 2021. 1(1)e3. doi:10.30771/2021.3


CTOR Plates: A new invention for non-surgical treatment of complex malocclusions. 

Innovation. 2021.1(1)e2. doi:10.30771/2021.2.


Stimulating Cortical Drift for Non-Invasive and Efficient Treatment of a Skeletal Class III Patient. 

Innovation. 2021. 1(1)e1. doi:10.30771/2021.1


Personalized Mechanotherapy: Simultaneous Correction Of Posterior Crossbite And Anterior Open Bite In The Presence Of Root Shortening

Innovation. 2020. 3(1):e.1. doi:10.30771/2020.1.


Therapeutic effect of localized vibration on alveolar bone of osteoporotic rats

PLoS ONE 14(1): e0211004


Biphasic sutural response is key to palatal expansion

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 8 (2019) 9-17


The effects of brief daily vibration on clear aligner orthodontic treatment

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 134-140


Biphasic theory: breakthrough understanding of tooth movement

Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists 7 (2018) 82-88


Osteoclasts: The Biological Knife In Sutural Responses To Mechanical Stimulation



Vibration paradox in orthodontics: Anabolic and catabolic effects

PLoS ONE 13(5): e0196540


Age-dependent biologic response to orthodontic forces

Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;153:632-44


Micro-Osteoperforations in Accelerated Orthodontics
Clin Dent Rev (2018) 2: 4


Clinical Guide to Accelerated Orthodontics- With a Focus on Micro-Osteoperforations
Springer, 2017


Different Method of Accelerated tooth movement
Clin Dent Rev (2017) 1:10


High Frequency Acceleration: A New Tool for Alveolar Bone Regeneration
JSM Dent Surg 2(4): 1026


High-Frequency Acceleration: Therapeutic Tool to Preserve Bone following Tooth Extractions
J Dent Res. 2016 Mar;95(3):311-8.


Micro-Osteoperforations: Minimally Invasive Accelerated Tooth Movement
Semin Orthod 2015;21:162–169


Biological Principles Behind Accelerated Tooth Movement
SeminOrthod 2015;21:151–161


Accelerated tooth movement: Do we need a new systematic review?
Semin Orthod2015;21:224–230


Saturation in biological response to orthodontic forces and its effect on rate of tooth movement.
Orthod Craniofac Res. 2015 Apr;18 Suppl 1:8-17


Effect of micro-perforations on the rate of tooth movement in human
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2013 Nov;144(5):639-48


Spontaneous chondrocyte maturation on 3D-chitosan scaffolds
J Tissue Sci Eng 2013, 4:1


Characterization of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell combinations for vascularized bone engineering
Tissue Engineering: Part A 19(11-12): 1375-85.


Osteogenic effect of high-frequency acceleration on alveolar bone
J Dent Res 91(4): 413-419


Foxo1, a novel regulator of osteoblast differentiation and skeletogenesis
J Biol Chem. 2010 Oct 1;285(40):31055-65


FOXO1 plays an essential role in apoptosis of retinal pericytes
Mol Vis. 2010 Mar 10;16:408-15


Cytokine expression and accelerated tooth movement
J Dent Res. 2010 Oct;89(10):1135-41


Impaired wound healing in mouse models of diabetes is mediated by TNF-alpha dysregulation and associated with enhanced activation of forkhead box O1 (FOXO1)
Diabetologia. 2010 Feb;53(2):378-88


The transcription factor ST18 regulates proapoptotic and proinflammatory gene expression in fibroblasts.
FASEB J. 2008 Nov;22(11):3956-67


F-spondin, a neuroregulatory protein, is up-regulated in osteoarthritis and regulates cartilage metabolism via TGF-beta activation
FASEB J. 2009 Jan;23(1):79-89


Engineering endochondral bone: in vitro studies
Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Mar;15(3):625-34


Engineering endochondral bone: in vivo studies
Tissue Eng Part A. 2009 Mar;15(3):635-43


An improved collagen scaffold for skeletal regeneration
J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010 Aug;94(2):371-9


F-spondin regulates chondrocyte maturation and endochondral bone formation
J Orthop Res. 2010 Oct;28(10):1323-9


Changes in matrix protein gene expression associated with mineralization in the differentiating chick limb-bud micromass culture system
J Cell Biochem. 2011 Feb;112(2):607-13


Chondrogenic ATDC5 cells: an optimised model for rapid and physiological matrix mineralisation
Int J Mol Med. 2012 Nov;30(5):1187-93

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Innovation CTOR Press