
​91st EOS Congress 2015

June 13-18, 2015 - CTOR was in Venice, Italy for the EOS congress. CTOR members and fellows presented 11 different projects. Thank you for attending their presentations and for joining CTOR reception on Tuesday evening. We were happy to see you, to reconnect with colleagues and to welcome new members.

AAO Annual Session 2015

May 15-19, 2015 - CTOR was in San Francisco, CA for the AAO annual meeting. CTOR members and fellows had 7 presentations on original research projects. Dr Alikhani, CTOR director lectured on a program featuring accelerated tooth movement techniques. He introduce for the first time our research work on cortical drift that is revolutionizing Orthodontic treatment of severe skeletal malformations.

IADR General Session 2014

June 25-28, 2014 - CTOR was in Cape Town for the IADR General Session. CTOR members and fellows presented 8 different projects. Thank you for joining the member reception on Friday evening. We were happy to see you, to reconnect with colleagues and to welcome new members.

Greater New York Dental Meeting 2013

In partnership with the New York State section of the American Association for Dental Research (NY-AADR), CTOR sponsored an award for students presenting Outstanding Translational Research at the 2013 Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM).

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